Tea Time at the Cabin

The Sandhills Woman’s Exchange hosted a special ‘Tea Time at the Cabin’ event on Sunday, December 13, at 15 Azalea Road. Due to CoVid 19 restrictions, the very popular Aberdeen Carolina & Western Railway Tea Time on the Train held last December was canceled this year. This year’s holiday event, sponsored by Victoria Adkins of Coldwell Banker Advantage Real Estate, was a sell out for the two limited seatings at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Adkins stated that the purpose of the event is to raise funds towards the purchase of a new commercial refrigerator for the kitchen.

Following the tea time with sweet and savory delicacies, guests checked their raffle tickets to win an assortment of gifts from local artisans and Village of Pinehurst shops. Since the Cabin has also skipped the popular Holiday Open House this year, the relaxed atmosphere encouraged guests to visit the gift shop.

The 1810 historical cabin’s mission statement continues to be ‘helping others help themselves.’ The SWE cabin closed on December 18 for the winter season. The reopening date will be Ground Hog Day, February 2, for the spring season. Volunteers are always welcome to assist in the Gift Shop, waitress in the Cabin Café, kitchen helper, or garden volunteer.